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Anonymous writes " There is not much advice that helps for hovering - it's primarily a matter of you spending the time to learn to anticipate the needed corrective inputs and put them in as soon as possible. The sooner you stop the helicopter from moving (in any direction) the less control it will take. That means less chance of an error in control inputs. Remember that whatever cyclic inputs you put in will need to be taken OUT as soon as the helicopter stops - otherwise it will just start moving off in the opposite direction. Be patient, and be ready to smoothly pull the throttle/collective back if it starts to get away from you."
Anonymous writes " With the plane fueled up, propane system charged and air systems filled I was ready to attempt first flight. With a quick gear and brake system check I proceeded to advance the throttle to full, within seconds the Jetcat P-80 came to life. I then did a full engine on range check which showed 0% loss of signal. The plane was ready, so was I! As I taxied into position I ran through all the switches and settings for a final time. With the plane lined up on the runways center line, full brakes applied, I fed in full power. As the engine began to build up rpm, the brakes were released and the Bobcat accelerated quickly. Without even moving the elevator stick it was airborne in less than 200 ft and climbing nicely. As I reached a comfortable altitude I began to reduce power to half stick, retracted the gear and started to trim the airplane out. Two clicks of right aileron and three clicks of down elevator is all it took to lock the bobcat in!"
Todd Witkoff writes: As long as I can remember I have always been intrigued with the world of aviation. In 1985 I purchased a used Kyosho helicopter called a Concept 30, I was hooked! About a year later I visited a local AMA chartered flying field where I got to see my first RC airplane fly. Although I enjoyed flying helicopters, I realized that model airplanes were my real passion.
maverick writes "I have bought my helicopter (Shuttle Z) in 1998 as a dream I wanted to fulfill.
From the moment I bought the helicopter till it was completely assembled, 3 weeks passed.
My helicopter was ready to fly (So I thought!) , I started the motor , added throttle and the helicopter took off straight up and back to the ground."
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