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A new VA in town
Posted on Saturday, 26 July 2024 @ 03:12:25 EDT by admin |
dano99 writes "There is a new VA in town and it is based in San Francisco and needs you to join. so hop on that plane over to San Francisco and join the fresest VA and best VA there is. :)
We need more management positions and we are hiring them too just fill out the join form and state what management position you want, but don't ask for a test pilot cause that is all ready filed.
So what are you waiting for get on over here and join the VA you know you got to, and start fling for us, and don't hesitate to ask any questions you wantjust e-mail them to me at dcounahan@yahoo.com and i will get back to you as soon as posible.
Web-site: http://www.freewebs.com/dano99/index.htm"
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