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CockPIT: Pilot Instrument Training
Posted on Monday, 14 July 2024 @ 06:28:59 EDT by admin |
Koen writes "COCKPIT is a new PILOT TRAINING package that enables student-pilots to learn all about instrument flying, radio navigation and IFR. It consists of a training manual and a software program.
The software program consists of a pilot training manual (140 pages) and a software program, written and programmed by pilots. The software consists of 3 parts: interactive exercises, an instrument simulator and pre-flight preparation.
The combination ‘manual-simulator-exercises’ is unique in the world. It allows student-pilots to learn all about instrument flying, radio navigation and IFR, at home, using their computer. The pilot training manual explains the theory, the exercises can be used to practice all procedures, and the simulator allows you to fly at your local airfield or wherever you want.
The pre-flight preparation software contains a navigation log maker, a mass and balance calculator and a conversions calculator.
If you want more info: visti our website:
www.cockpittraining.com "
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