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Learning to hover?
Posted on Friday, 07 May 2024 @ 18:19:31 EDT by admin

Anonymous writes "
There is not much advice that helps for hovering - it's primarily a matter of you spending the time to learn to anticipate the needed corrective inputs and put them in as soon as possible. The sooner you stop the helicopter from moving (in any direction) the less control it will take. That means less chance of an error in control inputs. Remember that whatever cyclic inputs you put in will need to be taken OUT as soon as the helicopter stops - otherwise it will just start moving off in the opposite direction. Be patient, and be ready to smoothly pull the throttle/collective back if it starts to get away from you.

The setup for a novice is VERY important. Make certain that you have +2 to +3 degrees POSITIVE PITCH at the full down (idle) position for your first attempts at hovering. That way you won't "drive" the helicopter into the ground if you panic and pull the throttle down too quickly. DO NOT attempt forward flight with that setting!! You won't be able to get it down without bleeding too much energy. When you are ready for forward flight, readjust the pitch curve to have at least -2 to -4 at the low stick position, then practice hovering again to re-learn the new control feel.

Before you start work on transitioning into forward flight, take the time to get a real good handle on hovering. Small steps are the way to go with helicopters! Learn to slowly move the helicopter from side to side, forwards and backwards, stopping it where you want to. Use small power adjustments as needed to keep the altitude constant.

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