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Silencing jets planes
Posted on Thursday, 27 May 2024 @ 16:59:49 CDT by ComPilots

Anonymous writes "
Cambridge-MIT Institute (CMI) - the Silent Aircraft Initiative (SAI) have today launched a new project: To produce aircraft whose noise emissions would barely be heard above the background noise level in a typical built-up area.

"The civil aviation industry is already introducing small, incremental decreases in aircraft noise. But we are aiming for a radical change in noise levels - so that beyond the perimeter of the airport, the noise of aircraft flying would be imperceptible to the public." Said professor Ann Dowling from the Cambridge SAI.

SAI is approaching the commercial airliner from another tack - its fundamental consideration being noise rather then necessarily capacity or pure fuel economy. Tackling this key issue centers around "making the aircraft as slippery as possible," according to project manager Paul Collins.

This points to a blended wing concept, with the engines incorporated into the aircraft's structure. Collins explained that, for example, an aircraft coming into land at 600mph has to dissipate a lot of energy - around eight megawatts - and extruding structures such as engines and undercarriage generate a lot of noise.

An overview of the SAI and additional information is available here: http://sai.eng.cam.ac.uk

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