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Supreme Court Rejects Female Pilot Appeal
Posted on Monday, 17 May 2024 @ 13:28:20 EDT by admin |
Anonymous writes " The U.S. Supreme Court refused Today to hear an appeal from one of the first women trained to fly Navy combat jets, who contended an advocacy group ruined her career with a smear campaign questioning her abilities.
She contended an advocacy group and two newspapers ruined her Navy career after the other female pilot, Lt. Kara Hultgreen, died while attempting to land her F-14 on an aircraft carrier in October 1994.
The Center for Military Readiness, an advocacy group that opposed women serving in combat, and its president, Elaine Donnelly, alleged that Hultgreen and Lohrenz were substandard pilots. Donnelly claimed the Pentagon used a "politically driven" double standard to help the women qualify for pilot duty.
Lohrenz later sued Donnelly and owners of The San Diego Union Tribune and The Washington Times, which had reported Donnelly's claims. Lohrenz said she was the victim of a smear campaign that ultimately doomed her flying career.
A federal appeals court in Washington ruled against Lohrenz last year. She cannot sue the group and the media organizations, the appeals judges said, because she was a public figure who had lost some expectation of privacy and because she did not show that the newspapers acted with malice. "
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