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MB339 PAN released by Lago
Posted on Tuesday, 11 May 2024 @ 14:45:12 EDT by admin |
Anonymous writes "
It's the dream of every single pilot in the world, the best aerobatic aircraft ever designed, and for almost everybody the symbol of one of the most spectacular aerobatic teams of the sky; The Frecce Tricolori.
It's the MB339 PAN, a versatile, agile and unique aircraft, that the Italian aviation has decided to use to replace the glorious G-91, for the Frecce's exhibitions through the world.
In this spectacular Lago add-on, developed by Alberto Sangalli's Cloud 9 team, you will be able to fly this magnificent aircraft re-created in every single detail and, for the first time, to fly in formation using 10 different call signs to fly in a real aerobatic team.
For more information, visit Lago’s website: www.LagoSim.com "
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