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Flight Video Productions is dedicated to making videos from the pilot's perspective in today's high-performance general aviation aircraft. The use of multiple production quality cameras allows the viewer to be immersed in the total flight experience. Aircraft videos are complete flights that take you from start-up to shut down with ATC audio and pilot commentary.
In the Meridian Flight Video you take a flight from Boeing Field in Seattle, Washington to Bellingham International in Bellingham, Washington. You watch as the pilot starts the 500hp Pratt & Whitney turboprop, programs the new Meggitt suite of integrated avionics, communicates with air traffic control and then shuts the aircraft down at the end of the flight. During the flight you are treated to views of Washington's immense Puget Sound as you make your way to Bellingham International. Available in DVD, VHS and Instant Download for high speed internet connections.
While watching the movie I was amazed by the sound and video quality, the movie is large and crystal clear and the camera work is superb. You receive a fantastic view just over the pilot’s shoulder which gives you a great view of all the panel instrumentation, allowing you to watch every move the pilot makes. There are also many close-ups of various proceedings, such as entering the flight plan and adjusting the autopilot. There are also some great scenery shots out both sides of the aircraft.
Added: November 24th 2003 Reviewer:Michael Judah Score: Related Link: Flight Video Productions Hits: 370 Language: english