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The author, Captain Y. talks about where the goverment failed in making flying safe. Did you know that in 1970 the leader of ALPA told the goverment that we needed secure cockpit doors. The goverment had a different idea, Air Marshalls. Well, you can see how that worked. Captain Y discusses the history of airline security.
Also, the truth about Muslims and why they want to kill us and take down our economy. I always wondered why people say Islam is a religion about peace, but then they (Muslims) are always the ones hijacking planes and blowing themselves up in public places. You know I never thought about it much, but there never seems to be Christians or Jews strapping bombs to their bodies and yelling "In the name of GOD" as they blow themselves up in Muslim places in an attempt to kill as many Muslims as possible.
The author talks about all of this and what he thinks we need to do to fix the aviation problem. I highly reccomend this book.
Added: April 4th 2003 Reviewer:Anne Meeks Score: Related Link: Airline Insecurity Hits: 183 Language: english