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OUT OF MY MIND is the latest flight into the realm of thought and spirit by the author of the modern classic Jonathan Livingston Seagull.
A brilliantly conceived parable about the nature of creativity, it carries all of Richard Bach’s trademark ability to inspire hope, joy and wonder in ourselves, our world and what may lie beyond it.
Bach’s journey begins as he puzzles over design modifications for his airplane, a Piper Cub. Perfect, simple, practical solutions seem to come to him out of the blue - coupled with fleeting glimpse of an intriguing woman. He finds himself led to discover the source of the visions, which turn out to be an airfield, in a parallel universe, housing the mysterious Saunders-Vixen Aircraft Company Ltd…
Powerful and affecting, this is a tale that will inspire and reassure.
Praise for Jonathan Livingston Seagull: ‘Richard Bach with this book does two things. He gives me Flight. He makes me Young. For both I am deeply grateful.’ RAY BRADBURY
A skillfully composed story burying inspiration and hope in ones soul. This book is a must for all aviation enthusiasts.
Added: December 29th 2002 Reviewer:Michael Judah Score: Hits: 148 Language: english